MetalamaConceptual documentationUnder the hoodNu­Get packages
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List of NuGet packages

Metalama comprises several NuGet packages. However, some are only used for testing or troubleshooting and should not be included in your public packages.

Package list

Package Name Scenarios Description
Metalama.Framework.Redist Run-Time Execution This is the only package required to execute code built with Metalama. It does not contain or reference the assets required to build with Metalama.
Metalama.Framework Compiling, Testing, Introspection This is the typical top-level package for a project that defines Metalama aspects.
Metalama.Compiler Compiling This package replaces Microsoft's C# compiler (Roslyn) with Metalama's own fork.
Metalama.Compiler.Sdk Compiling This package defines the extensibility API of Metalama.Compiler.
Metalama.Framework.Sdk Compiling This package defines the low-level extensibility API of Metalama.Framework (extensions using the Roslyn API).
Metalama.Testing.AspectTesting Testing This is the top-level package for test projects. It references Metalama.Framework but inhibits most of its behaviors. See Testing the Aspects.
Metalama.Framework.Engine Testing, Introspection This is the principal implementation assembly of Metalama. It is required by the testing and introspection packages. However, it should not be used directly as there is no forward compatibility promise for this package.
Metalama.Framework.Introspection Introspection This package allows querying the code model representing the output of the Metalama process.
Metalama.Framework.Workspaces Introspection This package allows any application to load a Visual Studio project or solution and to represent its code model and the Introspection of the Metalama process.

Package diagrams


graph TD

    t[Test and introspection]
    class t testing
    classDef testing fill:orange;

    class c compileTime
    classDef compileTime fill:yellow;

    class r runTime
    classDef runTime fill:lightgreen;

    classDef framework fill:red;
    class f framework

    u[Your Code]
    classDef userCode fill:white
    class u userCode

Building, executing and testing

graph BT
    YourCode -- references --> Metalama.Framework
    YourTests -- references --> YourCode
    Metalama.Framework -- references --> Metalama.Framework.Redist
    Metalama.Framework -- references-->  Metalama.Compiler
    Metalama.Framework -- contains --> analyzers((compiler add-ins))
    Metalama.Testing.AspectTesting -- references --> Metalama.Framework.Redist
    Metalama.Testing.AspectTesting -- inhibits --> Metalama.Framework
    Metalama.Testing.AspectTesting -- references--> Metalama.Framework.Engine
    Metalama.Testing.AspectTesting -- references--> xUnit
    Metalama.Framework.Engine -- references --> Metalama.Framework
    YourTests -- references --> Metalama.Testing.AspectTesting
    IDE -- loads --> analyzers
    Metalama.Compiler -- loads --> analyzers

    YourCode[Your Aspects]
    YourTests[Your Aspect Tests]

    Metalama.Compiler -- contains --> compiler((full compiler))

    classDef testing fill:orange;
    class Metalama.Testing.AspectTesting testing;
    class Metalama.Framework.Engine testing;
    class Metalama.Framework.Introspection testing;
    class Metalama.Framework.Workspaces testing;
    class Metalama.LinqPad testing;

    classDef compileTime fill:yellow;
    class Metalama.Compiler compileTime;
    class Metalama.Compiler.Sdk compileTime;
    class Metalama.Framework.Sdk compileTime;

    classDef runTime fill:lightgreen;
    class Metalama.Framework.Redist runTime;

    classDef userCode fill:white;
    class YourCode userCode;
    class YourTests userCode;
    class LinqPad userCode;

    classDef framework fill:red;
    class Metalama.Framework.Redist framework;
    class Metalama.Framework framework;


graph BT
    Metalama.Framework.Introspection -- references --> Metalama.Framework
    Metalama.Framework.Workspaces -- references --> Metalama.Framework.Engine
    Metalama.Framework.Workspaces -- references --> Metalama.Framework.Introspection
    Metalama.Framework.Engine -- references --> Metalama.Framework
    Metalama.Framework.Engine -- references --> Roslyn
    Metalama.Framework.Engine -- references --> Metalama.Framework.Introspection
    Metalama.LinqPad -- references --> Metalama.Framework.Workspaces
    LinqPad -- references --> Metalama.LinqPad
    LinqPad -- references --> Metalama.Framework.Workspaces
    YourApp -- references --> Metalama.Framework.Workspaces

    LinqPad[LinqPad Queries]
    YourApp[Your Introspection App]

    classDef testing fill:orange;
    class Metalama.Testing.AspectTesting testing;
    class Metalama.Framework.Engine testing;
    class Metalama.Framework.Introspection testing;
    class Metalama.Framework.Workspaces testing;
    class Metalama.LinqPad testing;

    classDef compileTime fill:yellow;
    class Metalama.Compiler compileTime;
    class Metalama.Compiler.Sdk compileTime;
    class Metalama.Framework.Sdk compileTime;

    classDef userCode fill:white;
    class LinqPad userCode;
    class YourApp userCode;

    classDef framework fill:red;
    class Metalama.Framework framework;


graph BT

  YourPackage -- contains --> YourCode
  YourPackage -- contains --> YourWeaver

   YourCode -- references --> Metalama.Framework

    Metalama.Compiler -. loads .-> YourWeaver
    YourWeaver -- references --> Metalama.Framework.Sdk

    YourCode[Your Attributes]
    YourWeaver[Your Weavers]
    YourWeaver -- references --> YourCode
    YourPackage[Your Package]

    Metalama.Framework -- references --> Metalama.Framework.Redist
    Metalama.Framework -- references-->  Metalama.Compiler
    Metalama.Compiler.Sdk -- references --> Roslyn
    Metalama.Framework.Sdk -- references --> Metalama.Compiler.Sdk

    classDef testing fill:orange;
    class Metalama.Testing.AspectTesting testing;
    class Metalama.Framework.Engine testing;
    class Metalama.Framework.Introspection testing;
    class Metalama.Framework.Workspaces testing;
    class Metalama.LinqPad testing;

    classDef compileTime fill:yellow;
    class Metalama.Compiler compileTime;
    class Metalama.Compiler.Sdk compileTime;
    class Metalama.Framework.Sdk compileTime;

    classDef runTime fill:lightgreen;
    class Metalama.Framework.Redist runTime;

    classDef userCode fill:white;
    class YourCode userCode;
    class YourWeaver userCode;
    class YourPackage userCode;

    classDef framework fill:red;
    class Metalama.Framework.Redist framework;
    class Metalama.Framework framework;