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Adding aspects to multiple projects

If you manage a repository or a solution composed of multiple projects, you may find it beneficial to add aspects from a central location. This article outlines several methods to achieve this.

These approaches are also applicable when configuring aspect libraries or adding architectural rules.

Using transitive project fabrics

Transitive project fabrics are executed in any project that references the assembly containing the fabric, either as a project or package reference.

Execution order of transitive fabrics

Transitive project fabrics are executed after any project fabric in the current project.

If multiple transitive project fabrics are active, they are executed in the following order:

  1. Depth in the dependency graph: dependencies with lower depth (i.e., "closer" to the main project) are processed first.
  2. Assembly name (in alphabetical order).

Transitive dependencies are intentionally executed after compilation dependencies, allowing the latter to configure transitive dependencies before they run.


Consider the following dependency graph:

Other types
Other types
Other types
Other types

In MySolution, the following transitive project fabrics will be active:

Project Active transitive project fabrics
MySolution.Core None
MySolution.Library1 CoreTransitiveFabric
MySolution.Library2 CoreTransitiveFabric
MySolution.App First CoreTransitiveFabric, then Library2TransitiveFabric

Using common project fabrics

Another approach is to rely on the directory structure instead of the dependency graph.

The concept is to write a project fabric, store it in the root directory of the repository, and automatically include this file in each project using Directory.Build.props.

Step 1. Create a project fabric

In the parent directory that recursively contains all projects you want to be affected by the shared fabric, create a project fabric derived from ProjectFabric as you would do for a regular project fabric.

Step 2. Create Directory.Build.props

In the same directory, create a file named Directory.Build.props with the following content:

	<!-- Imports Directory.Build.props of the upper directory. -->
	<Import Project="$([MSBuild]::GetPathOfFileAbove('Directory.Build.props', '$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)../'))"
			Condition="Exists('$([MSBuild]::GetPathOfFileAbove(`Directory.Build.props`, `$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)../`))')"/>

	<!-- Include the shared fabric -->
        <Compile Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)SharedFabric.cs" />


See Example: shared fabrics.

Execution order of shared fabrics

When you have multiple project fabrics in the same project, they are ordered by the following criteria:

  1. Distance of the source file from the root directory: fabrics closer to the root directory are processed first.
  2. Fabric namespace.
  3. Fabric type name.


Suppose we have the following project structure:

+--- dir1
|     +-- subdir11
|     |   +-- Project11.csproj
|     |   +-- Project11Fabric.cs
|     +-- subdir12
|         + Project12.csproj
+--- dir2
|    +-- subdir21
|    |    +-- Project21.csproj
|    +-- subdir22
|        +-- Project22.csproj
|        +-- Project21Fabric.cs
+-- SharedFabric.cs
+-- Directory.Build.props

Then the projects have the following fabrics:

Project Active transitive project fabrics
Project11 SharedFabric, Project11Fabric
Project12 SharedFabric
Project21 SharedFabric
Project12 SharedFabric, Project21Fabric