MetalamaAPI documentationPost­Sharp API migrationPost­Sharp.​ReflectionReflection­Search
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ReflectionSearch Class

See individual methods for migration assistance.

Namespace: PostSharp.Reflection
Assembly: Metalama.Migration.dll
public static class ReflectionSearch : Object


Name Description

This is currently not exposed in Metalama but it is implemented internally.

GetCustomAttributesOfType(Type, ReflectionSearchOptions)

This is currently not exposed in Metalama but it is implemented internally.


In Metalama, use IDeclaration.Attributes.

GetCustomAttributesOnTarget(Object, ReflectionSearchOptions)

In Metalama, use IDeclaration.Attributes.

GetCustomAttributesOnTarget<T>(Object, ReflectionSearchOptions)

In Metalama, use IDeclaration.Attributes.


In Metalama, the feature is not exposed on the code model, but it is a part of the validation feature thanks to the ValidateReferences<TValidator>(Func<TDeclaration, TValidator>) method.

GetDeclarationsUsedByMethod(MethodBase, ReflectionSearchOptions)

In Metalama, the feature is not exposed on the code model, but it is a part of the validation feature thanks to the ValidateReferences<TValidator>(Func<TDeclaration, TValidator>) method.


In Metalama, use ICompilation.GetDerivedTypes(INamedType, DerivedTypesOptions).

GetDerivedTypes(Type, ReflectionSearchOptions)

In Metalama, use ICompilation.GetDerivedTypes(INamedType, DerivedTypesOptions).


In Metalama, the feature is not exposed on the code model, but it is a part of the validation feature thanks to the ValidateReferences<TValidator>(Func<TDeclaration, TValidator>) method.

GetMembersOfType(Type, ReflectionSearchOptions)

In Metalama, the feature is not exposed on the code model, but it is a part of the validation feature thanks to the ValidateReferences<TValidator>(Func<TDeclaration, TValidator>) method.


In Metalama, the feature is not exposed on the code model, but it is a part of the validation feature thanks to the ValidateReferences<TValidator>(Func<TDeclaration, TValidator>) method.

GetMethodsUsingDeclaration(MemberInfo, ReflectionSearchOptions)

In Metalama, the feature is not exposed on the code model, but it is a part of the validation feature thanks to the ValidateReferences<TValidator>(Func<TDeclaration, TValidator>) method.

HasCustomAttribute(Object, Type, Boolean)

In Metalama, use IDeclaration.Attributes.